Health & Safety
Outsource International Ltd considers that one of their prime responsibilities is to ensure the Health, Safety and Welfare at work of employees, contractors and all others who may be affected directly or indirectly by the Company’s business activities. In addition, the Directors will ensure that all practical steps are taken to protect the environment from the business operations.
The Company considers that health, safety and the protection of the working environment have equal status with other primary business objectives and when apparent conflicts arise with other values and priorities will always support employees in making a decision in favour of safety and health.
Safe working practices and due consideration of the working environment are vital to the overall efficiency and success of the business.
The importance of health, safety and the working environment is such that compliance with all relevant statutory requirements, regulations and codes of practice which apply in each country of operation, is sought as a minimum. Health, safety and the protection of the working environment are the direct responsibility of the Directors & Management Team, and consequently form an integral part of the duties of managers and Health & Safety officers.
In addition, all employees must take a personal responsibility for their own health and safety, and the safety of others and for the protection of the working environment. The Company will ensure that employees have the required skills and support to meet this commitment. The Company promotes and seeks the active participation in training of employees in the continuous improvement of their awareness of health, safety and their working environment.
Contractors have a legal responsibility for their own health and safety and also the safety of those whom may be affected by their actions and therefore must comply with all applicable health and safety legislation and local site safety rules.
The Company Health & Safety Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its continued effectiveness, having in mind the fact that environmental, health and safety developments will continue to expand the Company’s duty of care, and its statutory obligations under the Health & Safety Regulations.
For further information, please contact Outsource International Ltd to request a copy of our current Health & Safety Policy Document.